The annual #RedWednesday campaign organised by the charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) takes place on Wednesday 22 November.
This is our opportunity to stand in solidarity with the millions of Christians, and those of other Religions, who are persecuted for their faith.
ACN are hosting three key events in the Archdiocese and Archbishop Bernard Longley has recorded a special message to help all prepare for the day:

On Wednesday 22 November and throughout the Autumn you are invited to join ACN’s #TeamRed, taking action to help countless Christians in Africa suffering targeted violence for their loyalty to Christ. 

Help to Break the Silence on the persecution of Christians worldwide – especially those in Africa! Africa is now a priority for ACN with nine countries in the emergency category.

This year any money raised as part of Red Wednesday will be matched pound for pound up to £100,000, so let’s make this year the best yet.

As Archbishop Bernard says: “I am here to encourage and thank each one of you; your prayers make a difference, your voice makes a difference, each cake sale, each sponsored walk makes a difference and on this Red Wednesday, we say that we will do what we can to ensure this world is safe and peaceful for all people of faith.

“If you are involved in a Red Wednesday event in your parish or school community I wish you much success and thank you for standing in solidarity with our brothers and sisters. We must BREAK THE SILENCE on their behalf.”

In the Archdiocese the following events are taking place:

Saturday 18 November - #RedWednesday Day for University Students 

Tuesday 21 November - #RedWednesday Annual Schools Mass 

Wednesday 22 November - #RedWednesday Schools Live Stream event

To find out more visit Aid to the Church in Need

Access the #RedWednesday toolkit

Photograph: St Chad's Cathedral lit red for #RedWednesday 2018