News from the Catholic Bishops' Conference

The Catholic Church in England and Wales - bishops, priests and people from all dioceses - will gather at St Mary’s College, Oscott, on Saturday 14 September for a day to renew and deepen our devotion to the Eucharist.

St Mary’s College, Oscott, was the venue for the first Eucharistic Procession since the Reformation.

In 2024, we hold our National Eucharistic Congress in this holy place. It will be an opportunity for us to pray and walk in procession once more as we show our devotion to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Our shared witness will lead the Church in her preparations for the Jubilee Year that we will celebrate globally in 2025.

Unlike Adoremus in Liverpool in 2018, this is not a public event, although each diocese is expected to send pilgrims.

The fact that there are limited, invitation-only places for Adoremus at Oscott doesn’t mean that Catholics throughout England and Wales are excluded – far from it.

On Sunday 15 September, the Bishops of England and Wales invite all parishes across our countries to have a period of Exposition to unite the faithful in focusing on the Eucharist in anticipation of the Jubilee Year with renewed and deepened devotion. 

This can be a Holy Hour or a period of prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

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More information from the Bishops' Conference



Year of Prayer and Jubilee Year