By Raymond Barber, National President Catholic Men's Society of Great Britain.

Members of the Catholic Men's Society (CMS) held their National Conference at the Hayes Centre at Derby.

We were pleased that Bishop McKinney (2nd right) was able to attend and also Fr Peter Walters (Far right) over here on a fundraising mission for his Charity, Let the Children Live. This is the sponsored Charity of the CMS and we have raised over £3.6 million pounds to date.

Please check the LtCL! website and if you are able to help, we would be most grateful.

September 1998 at our annual conference in Leeds our Society adopted this lovely charity as our new Promotion. The young Father Peter Walters the founder of the charity was invited to be our guest speaker. This was through our Chaplain Fr John Daly who had previously met him and recommended that we invite him to talk about the work he was doing among the street children in the city of Medellin, Colombia.

Fr Peter impressed us and moved us so much that an emergency motion was raised that our Society should adopt his charity and try to support him any way we could especially financially.

Let the Children Live had only been in existence for about 7 or 8 years and Fr Peter had been a Catholic priest for about 5 years after having been a priest in the Church of England and a vicar at the Anglican Shrine at Walsingham.

25 years later we have raised this money which has helped educate children who would have had no chance in life.

Your help is needed to make sure everyone has the chance to live the life they deserve. 

Let the Children Live