Latest Events Evangelii Gaudium Sunday, 15 September News from the Catholic Bishops' Conference Evangelii Gaudium Sunday gives us the opportunity to reflect on the great mandate we have been given by the Risen Lord to evangelise the whole world. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,” the Lord commissions, as we hear in Matthew 28:19. Inspired by our ongoing Synodal process, Scripture, and Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, we have chosen the theme ‘Growing as missionary disciples’. On the day itself, we can encourage the faithful to pray for our parish communities, that they would become intentionally missionary in their life and witness. A second collection will also be taken on Evangelii Gaudium Sunday to support the work of the Bishops’ Conference Mission Directorate. Please hold this important work in your prayers. Evangelii Gaudium Sunday Manage Cookie Preferences